| 2024 - Crescendo
Bothoven - Current Our first Worlds qualifying bot, Bothoven has been a shining example of what our team is capable of. After replacing the shooter midseason, it became more flexible in how it scored points. Our bot this year was able to carry our team to the FRC Championship for the first time in over a decade. |
 | 2023-2024 - T-shirt Cannon
TONK - Current A pneumatically powered four-barreled t-shirt cannon. It features tank drive and a controller that directly connects to the cannon, bypassing the driver station program that needs to be run on computers. Powerful enough to shoot over the stands of a football field, TONK has been an inspiration to the high schoolers of the Treasure Valley. TONK's numerous appearances at several schools have all been received extremely positively! |

| 2023 - Charged Up
Rafiki - Recycled Rafiki was our first bot to use swerve drive, so it taught our team quite a bit. Additionally its claw mechanism went through numerous iterations during the season to ensure that the weight of the game pieces could be used to help align them for scoring. This bot was nearly able to take us to the Championship but we lost in our last finals match. |
 | 2022 - Rapid React
Clampy - Rebuilt - Demobot Clampy: The 2022 season presented several unique challenges: not only did we need to shoot oversized tennis balls into a large target centerfield, but we also needed to climb a multi-rung tiered structure during the end of the match! Clampy’s climber received an Industrial Design award and got us to the finals at the Idaho Regional with its efficient, consistent, and effective design. What a great season for the bullbots! |
 | 2020-2021- Infinite Recharge
Walter -Recycled
Our 2020 robot and 2021 at home games robot as well, it can move and shoot five balls. |
| 2019 - Desitination: Deep Space
This robot had a mechanism that could raise cargo to the three levels, and also raise itself to get on to the highest platform, earning many points. To raise itself, the robot pushed on the ground, using the same mechanism that placed the cargo. The rear lifting device had some misaligned bearings which was caught after burning out multiple Neo motors. Rest in peace to our fallen motors. |

| 2018 - FIRST Power Up
Unser Wagon - Recycled
Unser Wagon is German for "Our Wagon", named this because the robot features a long shopping cart-like handle that allows other robots to hook onto the back. Unser Wagon has been to a finals and a semi finals match and preformed over 4 double climbs. |

| 2018 - T-Shirt Cannon
Amaterasu - Recycled
Amaterasu has been the dream of the team since the beginning. Before our 2018 Season began, we built Amaterasu to encourage more young engineers to join the Bullbots. It has bright blue and green LED's and speakers for style points. Also, it is extremely fun to shoot empty Gatorade bottles. |
 | 2017 - FIRST Steamworks
Skybound - Retired
Skybound excels in collecting gears and running them to the airship. Skybound also has a special climber that can latch onto any rope. It features a saw-blade on a mini-sim motor, which allows the robot to climb, but prevents the robot from slipping off the rope. The saw-blade mechanism that Skybound used to climb the rope won the Creativity award. Skybound is one of our smaller robots, weighing in at only 86 lbs. Skybound is no longer happily active and is not frequently used for demos. |
 | 2016 - FIRST Stronghold
Minotaur - Retired
Minotaur had a tank drive with a set of 10 wheels. It was able to easily climb over rocky surfaces and was quick at shooting boulders into the top of the tower. Minotaur gained a representation as a brute and "John Cena" as it ran a team member over as a prototype. Minotaur used pneumatics to push the boulder to the end of the shoot where wheels moved upwards to aim higher. The intake of boulders used the same parts as the shooter, moving downwards and reversing the intake. |
| 2015 - FIRST Recycle Rush
Absolute Trash - Scrapped
We don't talk about Recycle Rush. |
| 2014 - Aerial Assist
This bot had a catapult that was powered by springs that could throw the game balls. While making it, the team couldn’t get it to work until they found out that a rope was cutting into a pull which resulted in so much friction it couldn’t function properly until they fixed it. |

| 2013 - FIRST Ultimate Ascent
Valkyrie - Retired
Valkyrie is a champion among our bots. One of few robots that was able to climb up to the third tier on the Ultimate Ascent pyramid. It used a piston arm to latch onto the top tier and then used the same piston to climb. Valkyrie reached Rank 7, with a record of 11-5-0. It won the Regional Finalists Award as well as the Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors. |
| 2012 - Rebound Rumble
This bot originally had a double intake to feed into a turret, but this was later revised into a singular intake. This game had a ramp going across the field and this bot dealt with it by having an arm push down on the floor to raise the bot. |
 | 2011 - Logomotion
Apis - Scrapped
A very unique robot for a very unique game. It lifted inflated tubes to create the FIRST logo. We also had a very small "Mini bot" to accompany Aeris. One of the only robots getting us to Nationals with a Chairmans Award. |
| 2010 - BREAKAWAY
Soccer Bot - Scrapped
“Soccer Bot” had a very powerful kicker that caused worries of injury, which luckily never happened. This bot used a cRIO controller, from National Instruments. This bot was also the first time that the Bullbot’s team used mecanum wheels. It had a fishing pole with a grappling hook on the end of it, because it needed to climb. |
| 2009 - LUNACY
This was the first year with alliances where they bots had to get balls into enemy trailers, this bot used a conveyor bot to do this. One funny thing about this bot is that originally it was programmed to move towards any location that green or orange could be found, which didn’t work out so well when the bot started to follow any team member wearing these colors. |
| 2008 - FIRST Overdrive
With this bot, the Bullbots team competed in the Portland Regional Competition. The robot had a two stage arm, which was originally a three stage, but had to be downgraded due to weight issues. The grabber on the end of the arm used a fine threaded string to close the hand, which led to a slow open to close time. The bot also had ramps so another robot could park on it, it was spring loaded and could actually hold two bots! |
| 2007 - Rack ‘N’ Roll
With this bot, the Bullbots team competed in the Portland Regional Competition. The robot had a two stage arm, which was originally a three stage, but had to be downgraded due to weight issues. The grabber on the end of the arm used a fine threaded string to close the hand, which led to a slow open to close time. The bot also had ramps so another robot could park on it, it was spring loaded and could actually hold two bots! |
| 2006 - Aim High
During this year, the team struggled against the challenging autonomous section, but eventually overcame this problem and even made it very effective. The robot had a singular mechanism to pick up and shoot the game balls, it even used chicken wire inside it! The bot had four wheels, and could not be turned unless it was propped into only two of them. |